Don't miss this special competition on Master Dance Festival 2016.

We prepared BATTLE competition with money awards for HIP HOP SOLO OPEN CATEGORY and BREAK DANCE SOLO OPEN CATEGORY (no age limits for this competition, all participants competing in one category)

Prize found for each category = 15 EUR x THE NUMBER OF COMPETITORS. 
1st place – 65 % of prize fund 
2nd place – 35 % of prize fund 

The competitor dances to the Organizer's music. In the first round all the competitors dance together for one minute. This is followed by a 1-minute presentation of individual dancers. The first round ends with all the competitors dancing together for another minute. The best 8 dancers are qualified to compete in a one on one battle. Each competitor can dance twice for a maximum of 1 minute. The couples in the first round of the battle are determined by the rankings in the preliminary round: a: 8-1, b: 7-2, c: 6-3, d: 5-4. Couples competing in the next round are: a-d, b-c. The competition ends with a battle for first place.




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